Missions & Outreach

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

God’s call is to go into all the world with His message of love and redemption through Jesus Christ. CCC engages in world missions in a number of ways, with opportunities to serve including:
short-term mission trips. CCC sends teams to a wide range of domestic and international locales.
We also consistently pray for and give financially to many of our missionaries and partner ministries. 

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trips!

There is something very sacred and special about serving the Lord with God's people from across the world.
We have short-term mission trips that you can be a part of! Click below to learn more. 

Global Missions

Cathy Alford


Eduardo and Cindi Angelo

Lisbon, Portugal

Charles & Heather Badiane

Senegal, Africa

Shane Clark 

Camp Laughing Child, Puebla, Mexico

Come Away Missions

Rwanda, Africa 

Jason & Wendi


Will & Ella Faircloth

Wesley Heritage Foundation

Josh & Susy Fajardo 

Madrid, Spain

Chance & Dee Dee Galloway

Kyustendil, Bulgaria

International Childcare Ministries

Dohuk, Iraq

Bishop John Gollapalli

Secunderabad, India

Edward & Twinkle Johnson

Chennai, India

Michael & Maria Long

Thessaloniki, Greece

Oakdale Christian Academy

Jackson, Kentucky

Jeanie & Dan Phillips

Eaton, Washington / Trinity Aviation

Timon & Lynn Robbins

Birmingham, UK 

Free Methodist World Missions

South America

Laurie Turner

Bogota, Colombia

Misty Tyson

Red Sea Basin

Chad & Hollie Wells


Local Ministry Partners

CCC offers many opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus throughout the Chattahoochee Valley, both through ministries of our own and with local partners. Below is a list of those ministries and corresponding contacts.

Carver High School

Football Team Meal Ministry 
Weekly dinner and devotions for football team in season, annual postseason football banquet.

Clement Arts 

Foster Care and Adoptive Resources
Clement Arts provides adoptive and foster care resources for families in our community through fundraising, education, and partnerships.

Damascus Way Women's Ministry 

Bible Study & Fellowship
Meets weekly for fellowship each Tuesday morning at 11:00 a.m. and study together in preparation for sharing with the women on Tuesday afternoons from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Uniting faith and athletics, to impact the world for Jesus Christ.
Interdenominational, school-based Christian sports organization making a difference for Christ in the community.

International Friendship Ministries 

International Ministry
Connecting the local Christian community to the local international community; creating opportunities to share Christ, leading many to a personal relationship with Christ, and equipping them to impact their world. 

Jeeah's Hope

Foster and Adoptive Care Ministry
God is calling numerous families across the Chattahoochee Valley to welcome vulnerable children in Jesus' Name. Jeeah's Hope comes alongside these families to resource, connect, and strengthen them for the journey.

Micah's Promise

Child Trafficking Advocacy & Ministry 
Micah’s Promise exists to “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly” in their mission to restore stolen childhoods.  They work with and in our local community to educate on the risks and prevention of domestic minor sex trafficking.

Reese Road Leadership Academy

Partners in Education 
Reese Road Leadership Academy is our partner in education, and we have the privilege of coming alongside them to aid in the education of their students.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Bed-Building Ministry for Children in Need
An organization of volunteers that build and deliver beds to children sleeping on the floor. CCC hosts bed builds several times each year! 

Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic 

Free Medical Care to Pregnant Mothers 
Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic offers medical services to women dealing with planned or unplanned pregnancy. 

Teen Advisors & Velocity 

Local Ministry to Middle and High School Students
Teen Advisors has created a unique method of harnessing its power, and unleashing it for good in schools and in our community... Positive Peer Pressure! 

107.7 The Truth

Local, Christian Radio Station 
Glorifying God by providing quality, contemporary Christian music and teaching on the air. 

YoungLife & WyldLife

Ministries for Middle and High School Students
YoungLives' mission is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. You were made for this!


Local Ministry to Teen Mothers
Under the umbrella of YoungLife, YoungLives is a ministry to provide teenage mothers with mentorship, prayer and resources in the Chattahoochee Valley. 

Interested in Missions?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below with any questions!